Principal and co-founder of Amazing People, known to all as SAM!

Founder of Inspirational Women

Author and Photographer of the book; “Inspirational Women – Ordinary Women doing Extra- Ordinary Things” and Embracing Cancer and Pivot Point (both coming soon).

SAM's extensive business background helped establish the blueprint for Amazing People's business systems. These systems are the foundation of the quality that clients of Amazing People have enjoyed for over 25 years.
She has been a major influence in all facets of the business either working or being responsible for project management, facilitation, financial management or system design.

In her spare time SAM published her first photographic book under her brand - Inspirational Women, Ordinary Women Doing the Extra-ordinary. Her photographic work led SAM to travel throughout Asia to places such as the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and China working with, photographing and documenting the work that Inspirational Women are involved with, making a difference in people’s lives.

Mid 2015 – 2016 – SAM Co-Founded a networking business on the Central Coast, with Simone Wylie, their core purpose was to educate and encourage women to step into their businesses and look at how they could improve and build on what they already had, gain support from other women and learn and grow. Sometimes it can be very lonely running your own business, this networking business led to the forming of the WMAD Mastermind Group in 2017.

In 2016-mid 2017 – SAM had to participate in her own Cancer journey. Being diagnosed with a Her2+, Grade 3, 5cm breast cancer on New Year’s Eve, she underwent, an interesting 2016 with nine rounds of chemo, major surgery as well as 7 weeks of radiation therapy. She is currently writing her book about this journey to help others who are about to embark on the journey or loved ones, who would like to gain insight into how to help and support their family member as they go through this challenging journey called cancer. Her aim is to have this book published in 2018/2019.

2018 also sees Amazing People launching Dr Sherry Buffington’s Quantum Leap products; Success GPS, CORE Map and RAMP into the Australian, New Zealand marketplace. This is a very exciting venture and a personal mission for SAM as she helps others find their own way through their life’s journey to living a life of authenticity and connection to their goals. Dr Sherry Buffington will be venturing “Down Under” in 2019.